Invisible Hand

GOD concepts are in mainstream science’s opinion unscientific because they have no way to explain or measure the idea of deity.

In the debate on intelligent design, the Christian evangelist Randal Rauser properly complains about modern scientific methods.

Science shuns any concepts not based on established models. Intelligent design, Rauser says, can only be recognized as a valid ‘scientific’ explanation “if bound by the laws of physics.”

On this basis, he says, “if God is any part of the proposal, it is by definition unscientific,” —and all claims of legitimacy or illegitimacy of Intelligent Design or God must be disregarded, because science has an inherent bias.

“If therefore we don’t know the hidden or as yet undiscovered laws of science, then we don’t know whether an explanation conforms to them or not.


Theosophists agree. Any honest analysis of the controversy by science should acknowledge merely that the concepts do not conform to the “laws of physics as presently understood,” or the laws “as they ultimately are”—not dismissed out of hand.

Mme. Blavatsky insisted that science was intentionally limited, because unwilling to follow the evidence wherever it leads—a  standard science admits, but does not follow.

She cited as an example the periodic table, purported to be a complete and accurate account of all chemical elements.


Talk to the Hand

From “T3: Rise of the Machines” 🙂

West Meets East

“The universe is not the meaningless object that Western science says that it is,” IONS senior scientist Dean Radin asserts, “but rather that the universe is permeated with meaning.”

In The Voice of the Silence, H. P. Blavatsky defines the difference between psychic and spiritual sense.


“There are two kinds of Siddhis,” she writes, “one group embraces the lower, coarse, psychic and mental energies;

the other is one which exacts the highest training of Spiritual powers.”

In the following video clip, Dean Radin, PhD, refers to the Eastern ‘Siddhis.’ He explains the difference between Western matter-oriented science, and the Eastern spiritually-based science, that emphasizes consciousness as its keynote:

Occult Chemistry

The Russian chemist Dimitri Mendeleev, father of the original periodical table, included predictions for properties of elements he thought were yet to be discovered.

The missing elements, and there are countless numbers of them Blavatsky declared, are those of occult chemistry, according to The Secret Doctrine.

“The (ancient and modern) Western American Zuni Indians seem to have entertained similar views,” Blavatsky writes.

But materialism rejects any possibility of such a veiled reality in nature.


The Zuni present-day customs, their traditions and records, she says,all point to the fact that, from time immemorial, their institutions—political, social and religious—”were (and still are) shaped according to the septenary principle.”

An electromagnetic astral substratum of matter remains ignored. Such a field was suggested in the early 20th century by the ground breaking discoveries of the ‘mad scientist’ Nikola Tesla,

… and by Semyon Kirlian’s corona discharge photography.


Body Matrix

Design Body

“The whole quarrel between the esoteric and profane sciences,” Blavatsky wrote in her Secret Doctrine (2:149):

…lies in the demonstration of the existence of an astral body within the physical.” 

For humanity to achieve wholeness, The Secret Doctrine points to the overarching need for a recognition of the electro-magnetic design body in man and nature—a living plasma design field.

Zero Point Age

“Is there such a thing as a life force—an energy field that connects all living things across space and time? Could the existence of this living energy field provide a scientific explanation for supernatural phenomena?


After interviewing cutting-edge scientists in many disciplines, investigative journalist Lynne McTaggart presents a compelling and stunning argument for this theory in her groundbreaking masterpiece, The Field.”

Science & Spirituality

The ‘field’ is what Rupert Sheldrake calls the “morphic resonance.” It is a living life matrix, also referred to as the “plastic potency” in Theosophical occult physics.


By ignoring the implications of these and many similar discoveries of an underlying invisible, intelligent structure in nature, mainstream science dooms itself to fruitless speculations, centered on a soul-less and purposeless universe.

“If there is anything on earth like progress,” Blavatsky opined in The Secret Doctrine (1:506), “Science will some day have to give up

…such monstrous ideas as her physical, self-guiding laws—void of soul and Spirit—and then turn to the occult teachings.”


Kirlian Photography

Because of the eye-popping aura patterns revealed by technician Semyon Kirlian, and the vibrant fractal forms of Benoît Mandelbrot, the hidden energy designs of nature become patently obvious to our senses.

Little Flower

Fortunately for humanity, ancient occult science is being restored to its legitimate place today by mind-matter researchers, notably the Institute of Noetic Sciences—and concepts promoted to the public through a host of films.

Among these are Renée Scheltema’s Something Unknown is Doing We Don’t Know What, and The Living Matrix which explores the science of subtle energy medicine.

Alfred Tennyson was not just a poet laureate, but might also be considered a true scientist. He sensed the hidden side of nature, and was unafraid to acknowledge its mystery. In the classic “Flower in the Crannied Wall” Tennyson wrote:

“I pluck you out the crannies,
I hold you here, root and all, in my hand,
Little flower – but if I could understand
What you are, root and all, and all in all,
I should know what God and man is.”

Chain Links

Summoning to this theme the law of Analogy, which Blavatsky calls “the first key to the world-problem”— she goes on to picture the existence of forms as great chain“whose links are all connected.” 

These links, she says, “have to be studied co-ordinately in their occult relations to each other.”


Global Links

The Chain

Summoning to this theme the law of Analogy, which Blavatsky calls “the first key to the world-problem”— she goes on to picture the existence of forms as great chain “whose links are all connected.”  And these links, she says:

“… have to be studied co-ordinately in their occult relations to each other.”


“Every one of the higher, as of the lower worlds, is inter-blended with our own objective world,” The Secret Doctrine postulates, and “it is no metaphysical figure of speech, but a sober fact in Nature, however incomprehensible to our senses.”

Our Deity

“… is neither in a paradise, nor in a particular tree, building, or mountain, H. P. Blavatsky declares in the Key to Theosophy — it is everywhere…

— for IT is the mysterious power of evolution and involution, the omnipresent, omnipotent, and even omniscient creative potentiality.”

“… in every atom of the visible as of the invisible Cosmos, in, over, and around every invisible atom and divisible molecule.”


“Allow the pointers to point to the dimension
of the formless One Life that is you.”

– Eckhart Tolle


“Every one of the higher, as of the lower worlds, is interblended with our own objective world,” The Secret Doctrine postulates, therefore …

“… it is no metaphysical figure of speech, but a sober fact in Nature, however incomprehensible to our senses.”

It doesn’t require any leap to understand why science and religion are compelled to join hands. They co-exist, because of the inseparability of energy (spirit or consciousness) and matter.  

“…and, if the two are once divorced, the whole Kosmos would fall back into chaos and non-being.”



“I think what we need to day is an integration of our scientific understanding of the world,

… with the wisdom that is held in the world’s spiritual traditions.”

Peter Russell

Spirit & Matter

All systems, small and large, are “inextricably interwoven and interblended at every point,” (SD1:181), said Helena Blavatsky over a century ago.  And further (SD 1:640):

“It is a fundamental principle of the Occult philosophy— this same homogeneity of matter and immutability of natural laws, which are so much insisted upon by materialism — but that unity rests upon the inseparability of Spirit from matter.”

Ancient metaphysical postulates of Theosophy have now begun to visibly flower. For over one-hundred years, untold numbers of trailblazing researchers, thinkers,

… writers and reformers leading to the present day, have sparked a rekindling of the torch of Truth.


Ten Questions

Do you ever feel angry or outraged? “Oh, yes, of course. I’m a human being. Generally speaking, if a human being never shows anger, then I think something’s wrong. He’s not right in the brain.” – The Dalai Lama


Science & Religion

Preeminent among the torch-bearers are organizations is notably The Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS). This would very likely be welcome music to the ears of Helena Blavatsky, writer of The Secret Doctrine, boldly subtitled “The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy.”

Can they really co-exist? “Loretta Haskell, a board member of the Secular Humanists of the Lowcountry, is also a church musician,” Laurie Goodstein, in the New York Times: April 26, 2009.

“I am not one of the humanists,” she said, “who feels that religion is a bad thing,” 

Loretta Haskell

Thanks to such fearless investigators, and to the multitudes of enthusiastic Theosophical students world-wide, the seeds of the perennial wisdom— sown long ago—have become, as stated by senior scientist Dean Radin of IONS:

“… the paradigm-shattering roots of an emerging, 21st century worldview.”



Of the sincere religious believers, Blavatsky wrote: “Their charity,  and simple, child-like faith in the infallibility of their Bible, their dogmas, and their clergy, .

“…bring into full activity all the virtues that are implanted in our common nature.”

 Related Post:

Christos Rising

One response to “Invisible Hand

  1. Wonderful post, thank you very much. We know it is a slow, painstaking process, that of humanity proceeding back to the One in our evolution, the that time when science, philosophy, and religion,as stated by HPB in the Secret Doctrine will be known as one, from one source, and the idea will be commonplace. Until then I’m glad for those outposts like TW and ION, that keep reminding us, for even though we may know in our hearts that this is true, the practice of it, I believe is what “keeps the mirror clean”. NAMASTE ALL!


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