A Living Web of Life: The Body Electric

Body Electric

THE physical bodies of Man and those in Nature were “created” by beings called Dhyanis, similar to the Elohim of the Bible, says Theosophy:

“Besides the material which will be needed for its future human form, the monad requires

(a) a spiritual model, or prototype, for that material to shape itself into; and

(b) an intelligent consciousness to guide its evolution and progress, neither of which is possessed by the homogeneous monad, or by senseless though living matter.”

“The Occult teaching says, ‘Nothing is created, but is only transformed. Nothing can manifest itself in this universe — from a globe down to a vague, rapid thought — that was not in the universe already; everything on the subjective plane is an eternal IS; as everything on the objective plane is an ever becoming — because transitory.’”

EMF’S Everywhere

WE are surrounded today by untold numbers and varieties of man-made electrical and magnetic machines and gadgets which are highly energy-intensive and destructive. We are besieged by these machines day and night — in the developed world, they rule.

These products range from the hardly necessary to the  indispensable. From TV’s and video games, to cardiac pacemakers, to our beloved cell phones and computers.

Cell Phones

The electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) that spin off from these products, it turns out, are our developed society’s price-to-pay for its monster creation—an all pervasive, insidious, ever-throbbing, artificial world.

In addition, as many readers will recall, Rachel Carson’s discomforting exposé, Silent Spring, which documented the world-wide destructive effects of pesticide use, notably DDT.

Her research launched what has now become the organic food industry.

Rachel Carson

Back to the pulsating sacred Earth: the toxic man-made EMF pools, i.e. wireless cell towers, radar towers, and hundreds of Earth-circling satellites, must be exacting, like agricultural pesticides, a huge price on natural systems. The inevitable effects of this interference could prove unrecoverable.

Clearly, we are flawed space travelers ignorantly abusing a natural system that is no less than Life Itself.

The original pristine natural state of the world and the cosmos, is both electro-magnetic and spiritual — we co-exist with our fellow planetary travelers at every level, from cells to stars. So any crippling abuse is immediately concerning.

Hidden Forces of Life

The Electric Universe

(For more about the Electric Universe,
go to the Thunderbolts website.)

Many are blaming the unnatural, harsh man-made frequencies for what is termed the “Colony Collapse Disorder.” Honey bee populations are deserting their hives in large numbers, and threatening the world-wide failure of food crops.

We followed up on this topic in the post Vanishing of the Bees. Although Wi-Fi and cellphone networks may be a piece of the disturbing puzzle, it now appears that it is pesticides and herbicides used in food production that are the primary culprits disabling the helpless honey bees.

Bee Colony

Whatever the true cause, the critical disruption of the honey bee populations may be only the tip of a much larger, destructive influence affecting all forms of life on Earth.

Poisonous chemicals are clearly indited, but it also has to be considered that almost all beings depend for their healthy functioning on subtle electrical and magnetic frequencies to communicate and access information. Even birds navigate, it has now been shown, using tiny embedded bio-magnets in their brains.

Winged Migration

We may find our taste for instant information systems in fact negatively impacts living systems everywhere, even the cells and microbes in our bodies, creating unheard of new diseases.

Our preoccupation with electronic gadgetry, and the resulting insidious pollution, may prove to be the ultimate insult to the delicate natural balance of nature.


Microcosm and Macrocosm

According to Theosophy, man and nature are microcosmic replications of universal macrocosmic prototypes and systems.

For example, when all the electricity in the human system, says one of Blavatsky’s Adept Teachers, is concentrated around the head of a person “in a strong ecstatic condition,” it represents—”especially in darkness—a perfect simile of the Sun.”

The first artist who drew the aureoles about the heads of his Gods and Saints, was not inspired,

but represented it on the authority of temple pictures and traditions of the sanctuary and the chambers of initiation where such phenomena took place. The closer to the head or to the aura-emitting body — the stronger and the more effulgent the emanation —”

Initiated Disciples

“…but represented it on the authority of temple pictures and traditions of the sanctuary and the chambers of initiation where such phenomena took place.”

Chunyi Lin

Chunyi Lin, a leader in Qigong for wellness, a trainer for many Qigong Masters, was named 2010 Qigong Master of the Year at the 12th World Congress on Qigong/TCM in San Francisco, California on April 24, 2010.  More on this website: Spring Forest Qigong

Of the ten different awards presented by the congress, nine went to individuals who have not only accomplished tremendously in their professional knowledge and skills but also contributed greatly to social services.


Science is discovering that the all-natural, organic beings and creatures, the microorganisms of the Earth, also function by being wired into various bio-electrical and magnetic systems.

Living Wires

Not only our hearts and brains, not just our nerves and neurons, but the entire human body is humming with billions of cells and bacteria, kept alive and governed by a contiguous electromagnetic information system.

As such, we coexist intimately and interdependently together with a vast intertwined and interblended commonwealth of living beings.



Challenging established beliefs, Kenneth Nealson at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, discovered recently that when a certain strain of bacteria were deprived of oxygen and iron, he noted, “they should have died.”

Electric Cell Hairs

“Instead, they grew hairs,” reported Catherine Brahic on the study in her article “Live Wires: The electric superorganism under your feet” – (Dec. 18, 2010, New Scientist.) Brahic wrote:

The hairs allowed the soil bacteria to live on electricity. They appeared to be ‘siphoning life from their very own electrical grid.’ 

Cell Electrical Grid

Electric Bacteria

Specialized bacterial filaments are shown to conduct electricity. Some bacteria grow electrical hair that lets them link up in big biological circuits, according to a USC College biophysicist and his collaborators.

Flying Magnets

“How do migratory birds know where to go and how to get there? Is it learned or innate?” Birds navigate using their own internal magnetic compasses, reports the Encyclopedia of New Zealand.

Bird Migration Mystery

The Power of Intention

Plants, it seems, are not as vegetative as we thought.  They can read our human electric thought fields. Lynne McTaggart, author of The Field, describes how back in 1966 professional polygrapher Cleve Backster began his discovery of a new paradigm in science he called Primary Perception.


“Every plant has an intelligence, or its own purpose of life, so to speak, and its own freewill, to a degree,” says H. P. Blavatsky (Transactions 96). And…

every plant without an exception feels and has a consciousness of its own.

“Every plant-from the gigantic tree down to the minutest fern or blade of grass,” she writes, “has, Occultism teaches us, an Elemental entity of which it is the outward clothing on this plane.”

Cells and Bacteria

Cleve Backster’s research into the concept of “primary perception,” the way in which plants, and even the smallest living organisms demonstrate real-time reactions to their environments, will completely transform the way you think about consciousness of cells, plants, and living foods.

The Source

It has been shown that even minerals are internally electrified—a stone struck against stone, as any child knows, will ignite a summer night’s campfire. That small spark, Occult Science teaches, has a much larger origin—the Sun.

Summer’s Night Campfire

And it says that “the Sun is the store-house of Vital Force, which is the Noumenon of Electricity:-

it is from its mysterious, never-to-be-fathomed depths, that issue those life currents which thrill through Space, as through the organisms of every living thing on Earth.

“Change a few sentences in the article, extracts from which now follow, and you have another quasi-Occult treatise on Life Force.”

The Unified Universe

“The radical unity of the ultimate essence of each constituent part of compounds in Nature,” writes Blavatsky, “from Star to mineral Atom, to the smallest infusoria — whether applied to the spiritual, intellectual, or physical worlds:

this is the one fundamental law in Occult Science.

One Radical Unity

“’The Deity is boundless and infinite expansion,’ says an Occult axiom; and hence, as remarked, the name of Brahma. There is a deep philosophy underlying the earliest worship in the world, that of the Sun and of Fire.

Of all the Elements known to physical science, Fire is the one that has ever eluded definite analysis.

‘What says the esoteric teaching with regard to fire? ‘Fire,’ it says, ‘is the most perfect and unadulterated reflection, in Heaven as on Earth, of the One Flame. It is Life and Death, the origin and the end of every material thing. It is divine ‘Substance.’  Thus, not only the Fire-Worshipper, the Parsee, but even the wandering savage tribes of America, which proclaim themselves ‘born of fire,’ show more science in their creeds and truth in their superstitions, than all the speculations of modern physics and learning.”

Mystery of Fire

Nothing, nothing is more gentle than Nature. And nothing, nothing has been more cruel to nature than man. Yet you step aside from all involvement in this; deny all responsibility. It is not your fault you say, and you are right it is not a question of fault, it is a matter of choice.

Neale Donald Walsch



2 responses to “A Living Web of Life: The Body Electric

  1. Thank you for this wonderful post, TW – fun, chock full of information, so much so, I feel I could spend a good amount of time researching more information about each section. Boy, if I could have those sword fingers! I’d be zapping everyone I know who’s in pain, lol. But sincerely, it must take a good while to create this ability and use it at will. I was not aware, probably like most people, of the origins of the aureole in paintings, thinking it was merely the expression of the artist, conveying a spiritual state. Thank goodness for the Wisdom Teachings and all the Adepts and Masters who have accomplished, for where would we be…I now feel I wish I’d had more gratitude for the presence those little bees that would annoy…our horrific disconnect from a healthy and direct relationship with nature is heartbreaking, and I believe this disconnect, the maniacal focus on things artificial tends to destroy empathy and compassion, and we need it, the glue of the universe. The varied systems within each family of our universe are just genius aren’t they? The built-in ability to thrive, survive and recognize their own…but I guess as the Teachings say, that also includes cycles and each has their time. Watching the organisms grow hairs, connect, just made me think of how we naturally build community…Finally, I love the song, and remember how impacted I was the first time watching the film…to be a singer or a musician and know the broader meaning of what you are singing and playing must be an amazing gift and just has to make the heart soar! Beautiful…I’ll have to read these, a few more times, I think. Thank you very much…NAMASTE


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