Monthly Archives: August 2010

Legacy of Luna 2

ELEVEN years old and willing to help was how Olivia Bouler described herself to the Audubon Society when she contacted them about the tragedy in the Gulf.

The aspiring ornithologist, artist, and saxophone player wept — like many of us — when she heard about the oil spill in the news.

But uniquely, Olivia was moved to help. Knowing birds were going to suffer, she had to take action.

Inspired by her hero, James Audubon, Olivia wrote to the Audubon Society about her fund-raising idea — using her talent as an artist to give bird drawings to those who donated to wildlife recovery efforts.

To date, she has drawn more than 100 different species of birds, and 400 + original drawings. Olivia was recently featured as an AOL Artist, and the company donated $25,000 to the Audubon Society in her name. Olivia’s Profile on AOL Artists

To appreciate the sacredness of nature doesn’t always take the insights of a naturalist like John Muir. Often it only requires an innocence of heart, usually a child’s — as in Matthew 18:3-4, to “become as little children.”

Unlike adults, young children don’t mince words just to win approval. What they see is what they say.

In her restoration of Theosophy in the world, H. P. Blavatsky was not abstract when it came to standing up for the planet —“help Nature and work on with her” she wrote — and stood up for what she saw as widespread animal abuse and cruelty. (See recent post: Animal Souls)

To become true planetary partners, Blavatsky wrote, we must learn from the Book of the Golden Precepts to “regain the child-state” we have lost. Continue reading

Legacy of Luna

THE famous meditation of John Donne, “never send to know for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee,” highlights two Theosophical principles:

First, the affirmation that there is no isolation, that nature and all mankind are interconnected — and second, karmic responsibility.

“It’s one thing to fashion a particular work of art, sculpture, painting, a worthy accomplishment,” Thoreau once wrote, “but much greater is the creation of one’s life.”

“…to exemplify the highest potential imagined, it is the highest of loving artistic accomplishments,” he believed.

A compassionate activist, Julia Butterfly Hill is a living example of Theosophy pure and simple, took the decisive action taught in The Voice of the Silence — sacrificing  her comfort and well-being to “help Nature and work on with her.”

It must have been a profound inner sense of the sacred that roused Julia, as she climbed up those ropes, to begin a permanent encampment in the endangered redwood trees.

“She doesn’t follow any organized religion but says she believes very strongly in the spirituality of the universe.”

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Atlantis Ascending 2

MESSING with the unforgiving physical forces of nature challenging thirty-foot waves can be both exhilarating and deadly.

Similarly, ignorantly engaging paranormal forces and entities in black magic can have devastating personal consequences.

In our last post about the Atlanteans we touched on their increasing predilection to consciously develop and use powers of the dark side.

Another extreme behavior by the giants of those later day Atlanteans, the Teachings say, involved engaging in sex with animals.

Those unnatural sexual unions, The Secret Doctrine says, resulted in “lower races of men, now represented on earth by a few miserable dying-out tribes, and the huge anthropoid apes.”


Over long ages these behaviors irretrievably compromised the Atlantean spirituality. They were an ungodly mess in the end.

The final outcome of this was that the Atlanteans lost the power of their Third Eye, and nature sent many of that humanity for a long timeout to Davy Jones’ Locker.

The  mental and visual, psychic and spiritual perceptions of the Atlanteans lasted until nearly the end. Its functions, Blavatsky wrote,

“… owing to the materiality and depraved condition of mankind, died out altogether before the submersion of the bulk of the Atlantean continent.”

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