New Hands of Healing

hand_pranaThere are many new healing modalities coming into notice today. Scientific research in these areas is challenging the standard model medical establishment, gradually bringing on a shift in the mechanical worldview.

Instead of heaping illness upon incurable illness, this new shift in medicine is reducing our suffering by pulling away the curtain that has been hiding our body’s own internal physician.

There’s a long litany of debilitating uncurables today: arthritis, hypertension, heart disease, cancer, mental illness, diabetes, cystic fibrosis, dementia, AIDS, leukemia, Parkinson’s disease, emphysema, asthma, Alzheimer’s, to name just a few.

What has caused this upsurge? To understand how we got to this critical stage, we call to account the adoption of a mechanical model of the universe. Exposing this mistaken view was H. P. Blavatsky’s great mission.

Speaking to this in the Secret Doctrine she wrote:

Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton

“What is finally that invisible and intangible God in whom we should believe on blind faith? Astronomers who see in gravitation an easy-going solution for many things, and a universal force which allows them to calculate thereby planetary motions, care little about the Cause of Attraction. They call Gravity a law, a cause in itself. We call the forces acting under that name effects, and very secondary effects, too. One day it will be found that the scientific hypothesis does not answer after all –”

That day has finally arrived….

Do We Live in a Mechanical Universe?

The luminaries and thought leaders of the new shift today blame “Newtonian Physics” for the problem. But to be fair to the great man, as Blavatsky was, we should recognize that science took only the husk of what Newton proposed, and left behind the kernel. “Even Newton’s contemporaries got frightened,” she wrote, “at the apparent return of occult causes into the domain of physics.”

So they threw out the baby with the bathwater. The misappropriation of Newton’s idea persists to this day, and should rather be called “Neo-Newtonian Physics.” We present this wonderful video excerpt from “The Living Matrix” with that important disclaimer attached:

Effects vs Causes

Healing, understood physically in science, is the process by which the cells in the body regenerate and repair to reduce the size of a damaged or necrotic area, according to Wikipedia. “Healing incorporates both the removal of necrotic tissue (demolition), and the replacement of this tissue.”

What are the causes of these physical results? It might be a chemical drug, or a vitamin. But it might also include something as yet unknown or unaccepted by modern medical savants. If we are going to find any real and lasting cures, perhaps it is time to look deeper into the causes of dis-ease and not just at the surface effects we see.

In the tradition of Mesmer and Paracelsus, this Living Matrix video clip is an example of one of simplest, yet most effective ancient healing techniques paving the way for a new science of healing:

Healing Demetri

(Excerpted from The Living Matrix)

The Karma Connection

The light of compassion and sincerity is more needed today in the healing professions. Symptom based materialistic medicine does not provide access or answers to the deeper questions of root causes.

“The Ego is the wick and Karma the oil” wrote one of Blavatsky’s adept teachers, noting that the more “oil” in one’s lamp, the longer lasting are the lessons one has to learn in that life.

With a profounder understanding of reincarnation and the laws of karma, we begin to accept responsibility for our own healing as the first step. The root causes and solutions of our painful karma are to be found not in Neo-Newtonian physics, but in Newton’s original spiritual metaphysics. With a karma-based assessment of disease, stagnant emotional, mental and spiritual blocks to healing can in time be cleared away.

In this video, EFT master Carol Look leads a group healing lesson.

Is Karma Only Fatalism?

Karma, according to H. P. Blavatsky, is “the unerring law which adjusts effect to cause, on the physical, mental and spiritual planes of being” (The Key to Theosophy p.201). This is commonly referred to as the law of action and reaction, cause and effect, or sowing and reaping — it is assuredly a law of balance.

During each successive life we exhaust some past karma and accumulate new. Events in lives past and present succeed one another, related by a karmic thread of causation. So one can truthfully say that each of us reflects a continuum of our own creation. To understand how karma works we must bring reincarnation into the picture through insight and intuition — for it is only through reincarnation that our own healing lessons manifest to us in each life.

Arielle Essex

Arielle Essex

Arielle Essex, featured in our last post — diagnosed in the prime of life with a brain tumor — at first personally resented her affliction as “unfair,” and wanted only to “escape the nightmare.” Gradually, though, she began to shift her attention within instead of without. She realized the disease was in fact her friend and teacher, and in so doing discovered a path to healing at the same time.

Disclaimer: We are not medical doctors, so please don’t throw away your prescribed meds and treatments quite yet. Many of us are not at the point of Arielle’s level of commitment to spiritual self-healing. But her experience is powerful testimony to the efficacy of acceptance, and enlightened self-awareness.

“Self-Knowledge is of loving deeds the child.”

Voice of the Silence

Why Should We Help Others?


Far from standing aside from others, and taking the view “it’s their karma” — Theosophy teaches that the root of karmic law is Compassion, the “law of laws.” Helping others is a duty, which Blavatsky says, “is due to Humanity” and

“… to our fellow-men, neighbours, family, and especially that which we owe to all those who are poorer and more helpless than we are ourselves. This is a debt which, if left unpaid during life, leaves us spiritually insolvent and moral bankrupts in our next incarnation. Theosophy is the quintessence of duty.”

There is, she says “greater power and effectiveness by our personal contact and sympathy with those who need it.” This action should take the form of “personal exertion for others

“… personal mercy and kindness; personal interest in the welfare of those who suffer; personal sympathy, forethought and assistance in their troubles or needs.”

The Mayan Calendar and
The Transformation of Consciousness

Anatomy Lesson of Dr Tulp - Rembrandt Van Rijn

Anatomy Lesson of Dr Tulp - Rembrandt Van Rijn

Related Posts:

Karma Dodging

Breath of Heaven

Neti Neti

The God Effect 3

The God Effect 2

The God Effect

The Real Jesus

Body Electric

Eye of Light

Believing You Are

Designing Mind

All in Your Mind

The Holographic Life

Third Eye and Counting

Angels and Atoms

Reflecting Pool

A Buddha and His Dog

Heaven in a Wild Flower

Dueling Egos, Part 2

23 responses to “New Hands of Healing

  1. Katharina Kinsel

    I can’t figure out why bing sent me over here but I might as well say I am now overall captivated by the posts you have pulled together. How many month did it take to end up with that many WWW users to your internet page? I am fairly new to this blog thing.


  2. Hi there can I quote some of the content here in this entry if I reference you with a link back to your site?



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      Notice — For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. The best way to do this is with a link to this web page.


  3. Hi there could I quote some of the insight found in this entry if I provide a link back to your site?



      This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.

      Notice — For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. The best way to do this is with a link to this web page.


  4. I think i like this write ups, i think its educational to our members. so much things to get and i hope you regularly write good stuff on this website. thank you


  5. Thank you for another great post, TW! Amazing videos, too!!

    A quick question: while a number of illnesses appear to be curable with acupuncture, homeopathy, or other methods of energy therapy, there is an interesting phenomenon when a disease resurfaces again, after what appears to be a successful treatment. Chronic diseases seem to be one of the instances when this happens. Would it be because in such cases, the root cause for the disease is harbored at the levels “higher” than those of the energy body, at which such healing usually takes place? What is the best, practical approach in dealing with such illnesses?


    • “Men say that the Asvattha, the eternal sacred tree, grows with its roots above and its branches below,” Krishna says in Ch. 15 Bhagavad-Gita. “When one hath hewn down with the strong axe of dispassion this Asvattha tree with its deeply-imbedded roots, then that place is to be sought after from which those who there take refuge never more return to rebirth, for it is the Primeval Spirit from which floweth the never-ending stream of conditioned existence.”

      One interpretation is that the leaves and branches represent Karma, or action, on this field of manifestation. When we symbolically “hewn down” the Asvattha is equivalent to becoming Adepts, have paid off all our debts we are “karma-less” as regards any personal merit or demerit. We then reside in the “roots” – akin to our spiritual center, and all our actions are harmonious and compassionate – unblinded or filtered by our individual likes and dislikes.


    • Disease processes often get stuck in our field, explaining why energy healing techniques, like EFT, meditation and yoga—which help to reestablish a clear flow of information energy in our field—are so frequently beneficial. (From “The God Effect 3”)

      As the video “Latticework Energy Patterns” explains, disease occurs first in the energy field around the body, long before it is detected in the physical.

      “Great strides have been made in the arts and in cure of diseases, but in the future, as the flower of our civilization unfolds, new diseases will arise and more strange disorders will be known, springing from causes that lie deep in the minds of men and which can only be eradicated by spiritual living.” – H. P. Blavatsky

      Seeking nothing, he gains all;
      Forgetting self, the Universe grows ‘I’.

      The Light of Asia


  6. Newton’s Clockwork Universe was irrevocably smashed over 25 years ago with the coming of age of chaos theory! Lynne McTaggart has another quote in the movie where she says that science keeps changing. Unfortunately, nobody quoted in this movie ever seems to have heard of chaos theory and how it permanently impacted the concepts of newtonian physics. The film clip you show is arguing against a straw man.

    Even the movement of our planets is chaotic, provided one looks with a predictability horizon of around 5 million years. The orrery that film clip shows cannot model the movement of the planets, and scientists have been talking about that for decades.

    I write about this extensively in my review of “The Living Matrix”:


    • We agree, I wish they hadn’t focused so much on Newton – quantum physics even blew Einstein’s mind, first he was on board, then backed off just before he died. What gives me confidence in the film is the presence of Lynne McTaggart, she’s part bulldog. If you’re looking for research papers, check McCraty’s HeartMath site, a lot of stuff there:

      Thanks for your comments!


      • I looked through the entire heartmath list and can’t find a single paper about how quantum physics applies to our health/healing.

        I do not see a single paper on the heartmath list about instantaneous information transfer to some “field”. No papers about lossless information storage to some “field”. Yet I see many people (Cimbal, McTaggart) who make those claims.

        Where are the scientific papers about that?

        If there is not scientific evidence for a “field” that one can instantaneously store/retrieve information with no information loss, how can those claims possibly be called scientific?

        Dr. Dietmar Cimbal claims in the movie that direction shifts in flocks are instantaneous ( see ). What does he base that claim on? I cite a scientific paper in my blog entry that shows the shifts are clearly not instantaneous. How do you reconcile the movie’s claims about bird flocks when the evidence indicates otherwise?

        The movie doesn’t mention chaos theory, the third major 20th century revolution in newtonian physics. Do you know why? Many of the questions of synchronization of biological vibrations are being investigated by scientists specializing in chaos theory. It seems a natural match.

        Thanks for your response. I’m particularly interested in the question about the papers about the physics.


      • I don’t know if the movie spent too much time talking about Newtonian mechanics. What I can tell you is that the comments are a huge straw man. Science has irrevocably destroyed Newton’s “clockwork universe” over 25 years ago. McTaggart and others are railing against an idea which was displaced over a generation ago; they didn’t seem to get the memo.

        I don’t know why the presence of McTaggart should lead you to any conclusion. McTaggart’s book provides no science linking a so-called quantum field to our health and healing. I looked! There are no references to any science provided in her book.

        Bulldogness has nothing to do with the existence or science. If science exists, people should be able to reference the scientific papers. It’s really that simple.

        The time has come for the subtle energy movement to be straight with the public. Harry Massey gave us a glowing example: he acknowledged there is no science behind the central claim of his movie “The Living Matrix” (see the “neutriceuticals” discussion on thelivingmatrix facebook page).


        • Thank you Phil, I’m certain Blavatsky would agree – but then, it all depends on whether you’re referring to modern science or occult science. To access confirmation from the latter, one might need access to invisible records, and documents reviewed by no earthly “peers.”


          • We don’t have to wonder at all which of those two interpretations is the correct one. The full title of the film is “The Living Matrix: A Film on the New Science of Healing”. The film ends with Dr. Peter Fraser saying, ““[…] but I think now we have a viable scientific theory for how the body stores and accesses information. So we do have a medical revolution on our hands.”

            Have you viewed the film? Do you think that Dr. Fraser and Dr. Cimbal (see reference earlier in this thread) were referring to occult science, or to modern science?


            • I don’t recall in detail, but do remember the comment you quote. I’m a little confused — are you saying now you agree they have a “scientific theory,” or that Fraser is mistaken in saying that because there is no modern science “evidence?”

              Modern evidence or not, my only point is that the frontier sciences are getting very close to occult theories and science – i.e. the “astral field” surrounding all things and persons, which, among other functions, behaves as a storehouse. Also a matrix or blueprint of past karmic effects to be expressed in future lives. The finer forces and vibrations may not all be “measurable” with current instrumentation.

              An interesting read: “Measuring the Immeasurable: The Scientific Case for Spirituality”


              • Fraser says there is a “viable scientific theory”. The point of quoting the phrase he used was to emphasize he was not referring to occult science. Further, Fraser’s claim is incorrect: there is no science to back up the claims that a quantum-physics “field” is fundamental to influence our health and healing.

                The people in this film are making huge speculations and extrapolations; they are not doing science. And some of what they say is flat-out wrong. Cimbal claims that birds are using some field-y “information store” to coordinate direction shifts in flocks, but his clams of instantaneous shifts are flat-out wrong.

                Physical science is really simple: you create a model that predicts behavior and then you create repeatable experiments to see if your can reproducibly measure what your models predict. Phrases like “new science” and “frontier science” are fundamentally nonsensical.

                Many wish to blur the line between science and non-science. They choose to ignore the facts which contradict their claims. For instance, nobody — including you — have mentioned a peep about Cimbal’s nonsense claims. None of the believers ask why his speculations weren’t fact-checked before being included in the film. And none are outraged that the producers haven’t placed errata to correct the errors in their “science” documentary.


                • Your criticisms may well have merit, I’ll have to make time to revisit the DVD. I don’t have any bias towards Fraser or the others. As to science, there is no “blurring” I can see: either one is blindly accepting the “standard model” in science — physics, cosmology, etc., or you are open to other possibilities. Some scientists will not even read peer reviewed studies that do not agree with their mind-set, especially in the cognitive fields. A few examples of ignored rigorous experimental work are Dean Radin at IONS, Rupert Sheldrake (sense of being stared at), PEAR’s 20+ years of psi experiments at Princeton, — they have each adhered to solid, accepted methods, yet are ignored. There is a multitude of ignored scientific evidence, for example the persistent bias against the idea that animals might have sophisticated emotions and consciousness.


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