2013 in Review

buddhas_nature“THOREAU pointed out that there are artists in life, persons who can change the colour of a day and make it beautiful to those with whom they come in contact,” H. P. Blavatsky wrote:

“We claim that there are adepts, masters in life who make it divine, as in all other arts.

“Is it not the greatest art of all, this which affects the very atmosphere in which we live?

“That it is the most important is seen at once, when we remember that every person who draws the breath of life

“…affects the mental and moral atmosphere of the world,
and helps to colour the day for those about him.”

“If all our readers … endeavored to learn the art of making life not only beautiful but divine, and vowed no longer to be hampered by disbelief in the possibility of this miracle, but to commence the Herculean task at once, then [2014] would have been fitly ushered in…


“Man’s life is in his own hands, his fate is ordered by himself. Why then should not [2014] be a year of greater spiritual development than any we have lived through?

It depends on ourselves to make it so. This is an actual fact, not a religious sentiment. In a garden of sunflowers every flower turns towards the light. Why not so with us?


“And let no one imagine that it is a mere fancy, the attaching of importance to the birth of the year. The earth passes through its definite phases and man with it — and as a day can be coloured so can a year.

“The astral life of the earth is young and strong between Christmas and Easter. Those who form their wishes now will have added strength to fulfill them consistently.” (Excerpted from H. P. Blavatsky, “1888”)


A musical score waving


Warm greetings and sincere good wishes in the coming year to all our friends and readers,
from the Editors.

Thank you!

(The WordPress.com stats helpers prepared a 2013 annual report for Theosophy Watch, click below – enjoy!)


Here’s an excerpt:

The Louvre Museum has 8.5 million visitors per year. This blog was viewed about 72,000 times in 2013. If it were an exhibit at the Louvre Museum, it would take about 3 days for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.


11 responses to “2013 in Review

  1. Madame Blavatsky’s comment about the astral life of the earth being young and strong between Christmas and Easter is particularly interesting. It makes sense to me that our intentions would have added strength at this time. Thank you TW, so great.


  2. Wow! How cool it is to read the blog report for all of 2013! So very wonderful, this work, TW, I am grateful that you are here. Always feel I’d like to participate and study more, just not enough in 2013, so here’s hoping I can read, study, and respond more in 2014…Just a wealth of incredible ideas and information, so beautifully put together, a healing balm, but also a lot of fun! HAPPY NEW YEAR TW!! Here’s to even more readership and influence in 2014. Blessings, and NAMASTE ALL…


  3. Thank you so much for taking the time and the effort incvolved in bringing us “Theosophy Watch.” You have done a magnificant job and I for one, am extremely grateful. Happy New Year and we look forward to “Theosophy Watch” in 2014.


    • Thank you Joan for your numerous insightful and encouraging comments over the years. TW is student created learning project for students, and as one of the Mahatmas has said, “ingratitude is not one of our vices.” (!) All best for 2014 and beyond…


  4. ¡Muchas Gracias y Feliz Año Nuevo 2014!


  5. Did not paste in first time; it is:
    Wonderful version of “Imagine.” The higher resolution video of is here:


  6. Wonderful version of “Imagine.” The higher resolution video of is here:


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