Daily Archives: July 12, 2021

Our Personal Karma: The Sticky Stuff

Child Playing on Monkey Bars, Karitane, Otago, South Island, New Zealand

Girl on the monkey bars.

MORE than five-thousand years ago, ancient healers described hundreds of invisible energy meridians throughout the human body. When these pathways were unblocked and revitalized, people quickly healed.

This ancient system of healing we today describe in various ways. Emotional Freedom Techniques is a form of counseling intervention that draws on various theories of alternative medicine – including acupuncture, neuro-linguistic programming, energy medicine, and Thought Field Therapy.

Acupuncture often uses special sterilized needles. But many healers are literally tapping into this natural energy  system of the body, without needles, using only their bare hands and fingers.

Using this new system ordinary people are learning how to master all the “mental changes” in themselves, as taught by The Voice of the Silence, and report healing almost instantly.

They learn how to “harmless make” the stubborn thought and emotional issues that have plagued them, often embedded in early childhood, causing numerous physical, emotional and psychological illnesses as adults. The success resulting from a healing memory recall is an object lesson of what Einstein famously wrote:

We can’t solve problems, by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.

Instead, the old thought forms blocking the flow of natural energies in our system have to be cleared away. As we free ourselves from old habits of thinking, we come to recognize our role as a causitive agent in the problems they caused.


In psychological terms it means assuming personal karmic responsibility, and there’s nothing in the universe, even atomic energy, more powerful than the powers of gratitude and acceptance.

Getting Unstuck

It’s probably an understatement to say it’s difficult for most people to get to the root cause of difficult issues, especially if the causes were set up in a past life, a life they cannot consciously now recall.

It is the forgotten events, limiting beliefs, and fixed emotional patterns that glue us to our fate as flypaper does a fly.

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