Tag Archives: galaxy

A Happy and Healthy New Year: Recognizing the World as a Living System

Human Microbiome

Human Microbiome

HUMANS may be beginning to accept the idea of the interconnect of all life as being the keynote to saving themselves and the planet.

Climate change is only one of numerous examples of views heralding a new global awareness.

Setting the stage for such a worldview revolution, in his own time, was the theosophical pioneer William Q. Judge. In a public address given at given Mr. Judge at the Parliament of Religions, Chicago, 1893 Universal Brotherhood a Fact in Nature he declared:

“We insist that universal brotherhood is a fact in nature. It is a fact for the lowest part of nature; for the animal kingdom, for the vegetable kingdom, and the mineral kingdom.

“We are all atoms, obeying the law together. Our denying it does not disprove it. It simply puts off the day of reward and keeps us miserable, poor, and selfish.”

It is known that even giant galaxies form groups, from a few to dozen up to large clusters composed of several thousand spiraled denizens in deep space. These vast star systems are called “Local Groups,” and all the galaxies they hold, like cells, are in mutual attraction and interaction with each other. All life, great and small, is interconnected with a common mission in the vastness of outer and inner space.


A Sea of Galaxies

On a more modest scale our solar system, the home of our Earth the other planets, calls the Milky Way Galaxy its home. Correspondingly, just as the Earth is home to us humans, so our human bodies are habitats and landscapes to trillions of living cells and microbes.

H. P. Blavatsky affirms (Kosmic Mind): “the whole body of man [is] composed of cells, and these cells are now being recognised as individual organisms and – quien sabe – will come perhaps to be recognized some day as an independent race of thinkers inhabiting the globe, called man! It really looks like it.”

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We’re Not Alone

ASTRONOMERS reported last week that each of the 100 billion stars in the Milky Way “probably has at least one companion planet, on average, adding credence to the notion that planets are as common in the cosmos as grains of sand on the beach.”

“The finding underscores a fundamental shift in scientific understanding of planetary systems in the cosmos,” reports Robert Leet Hotz in the January 12, 2012 Wall Street Journal. “Our own solar system, considered unique not so long ago, turns out to be just one among billions.”

“There are millions and millions of worlds and firmaments visible to us,” prophesied H. P. Blavatsky over 120 years ago in The Secret Doctrine (1:605), before our modern astronomical techniques and equipment existed.

“And there are still greater numbers,” she wrote, “beyond those visible to the [in her time] telescopes […] such invisible worlds do exist.”

This multiverse, Blavatsky writes knowingly, “is inhabited as thickly as our own,” with worlds “scattered throughout apparent Space in immense number.

…some far more material than our own world, others gradually etherealizing until they become formless and are as ‘Breaths.‘”


“That our physical eye does not see them, is no reason to disbelieve in them. Physicists can see neither their ether, atoms, nor ‘modes of motion,’ or Forces. Yet they accept and teach them.”


Such unambiguous statements beg the question: How did the writers of “The Secret Doctrine,” in the 19th century, know all this? — It is because, it is well known that two of the ‘writers’ were Indian Masters, collaborating with Mme. Blavatsky.

Those Masters were  connected with the “countless generations of initiated seers—whose flashing gaze  (SD 1:272):

“…penetrated into the very kernel of matter, and recorded the soul of things there.”


The Secret Doctrine teachings are, therefore, “the accumulated Wisdom of the Ages,” H. P. Blavatsky says (Vol. 1, Page xxii.),  and “could not be contained in a hundred such volumes.”

“Astronomers said Wednesday that each of the 100 billion stars in the Milky Way probably has at least one companion planet.” Photo: AP

“Until April 1994, there was no other known solar system, but the discoveries have slowly mounted since then: The Kepler space telescope, designed for planet-hunting, now finds them routinely.

“Planets are the rule rather than the exception,” said lead astronomer Arnaud Cassan at the Institute of Astrophysics in Paris. “He led an international team of 42 scientists who spent six years surveying millions of stars at the heart of the Milky Way, in the most comprehensive effort yet to gauge the prevalence of planets in the galaxy.”

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Closer to Home

GALAXIES form groups from few to a few dozen, to large clusters up to several thousands.

These vast star systems are called “Local Groups,” and all the galaxies they hold, like cells, are in mutual attraction and interaction with each other.

On a lesser scale our solar system, the home of our Earth the other planets, calls the Milky Way Galaxy its home.

Correspondingly, just as the Earth is home to us humans, so our human bodies are habitats and landscapes to billions of microbes — all interconnected with a common mission in the vastness of inner space.

View from Outer Space

At the request of Carl Sagan, NASA commanded the Voyager 1 spacecraft — having completed its primary mission and now leaving the solar system — to turn its camera around and take a photograph of Earth from outer space. Continue reading

A Solar Puzzle

TODAY marks the Winter Solstice in the northern hemisphere, and the return of an ancient solar festival.

Significantly there will also be a total lunar eclipse, lending additional power and importance to this cycle.

The Earth, Moon and Sun will be lined up together with the Earth in the middle — say, between a rock and a hot place? 😉

“With Mercury Retrograde, and Pluto thrown into the mix,” astrologer Lauren counsels, “we have a lot of healing, renewing, and rebuilding energy.”

“It’s time to throw out the old and make way for the new,” she says.

It is both the Sun, Theosophy teaches, and our hearts, that are the great renewers. Each continuously radiates a mysterious force — indissolubly connected, they both have a similar physical and a spiritual function.

Occult astrology and astronomy identify many ancient temples, chambers and pyramids around the world as being connected to sun and moon symbology. Such sites and mounds are usually considered mere burial tombs by archeologists ignorant of the occult traditions.

Please note: This post has been updated and republished at:

Wake-up Time

A Fiery Life

UNDERPINNING the universe is not gravity, as taught today, but something else.

This something is a conscious electro-spiritual power described by the Tibetan word “Fohat,” according to Theosophy—a universal force that rules humans, nature and the infinite cosmos.

But physicists are stuck on gravity to support their dubious ‘standard model.’

Science still insists that gravity alone, the weakest force on Earth, runs the entire universe — though admittedly, as with magnetism, they understand very little about it.


A Serbian schoolgirl has amazed medics with her astonishing magnetic hands. Ten-year-old Jelena Momcilov has been picking up cutlery, coins and even metal furniture by just touching them at her family home in Zeljusa, since she first discovered her powers five years ago.

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Confucius and Black Holes

The hunters didn’t have the decency this past Christmas morn to lay down their arms. Forget sleeping in, or reveling in the silence of a new day. They were equal opportunity–blasting away on the Solstice and Hanukkah, too.

And the neighbor with his rock band who begin “practicing” at, oh, midnight or 1 a.m. in the middle of the week, pounding their cacophonic distress signals into the night air.

Whatever happened to the Golden Rule taught by Confucius 2,500 years ago? Poor Confucius; it was rough for him being ahead of his time. He traveled throughout China looking for a job, believing that if he had the right opportunity he could really change the world. He never found one.

Do you understand why he said, as I translate it:

“If people don’t recognize your divine qualities and gifts, and that doesn’t faze you; well then, that’s the sign of a true spiritual aspirant.”


Confucius didn’t see himself as an innovator-he just wanted to bring back the foundations for a Golden Age taught by the Duke of Zhou, who lived a good 500 years before him. The Duke of Zhou masterminded the overthrow of the degenerate slavocracy Shang dynasty, fulfilled by his brother and nephew.

His brother is the one who, while jailed earlier by the Shang, compiled a manual on statecraft and cultivating intuition we now know as the I-Jing or Book of Changes. Confucius later edited this work along with other classics. And the Duke of Zhou, who wrote a comprehensive treatise on governing principles, actually appeared to Confucius in his dreams, instructing him.

Towards the end of his life-still unemployed-Confucius felt like a failure, moaning “I don’t even dream about the Duke of Zhou anymore!”

Duke of Zhou

Duke of Zhou


Was Confucius one of those embodying the consciousness of a Golden Age while trudging the Earth in the dark age of Kali Yuga that began 3,102 B.C.? “[A]t one and the same time races may be on the earth running each for itself through one or other of the periods,” William Judge explains:

“Some might be in the Golden Age and others in the Black. At present it is admitted that the Aryans are in the Kali Age, but certain childlike races are not so. Within the present five thousand year period we know that races have absolutely finished their Kali Yuga and gone out of existence. This happened to that which ruled a part of the American continent, and hence for them in particular their Kali Yuga must have begun earlier than ours did.”

Perhaps these days, we might call Confucius a “change agent,” someone ahead of his time holding the vision of utopia. My astrologer friend Kathleen Goodyear (“Goodyear” being her married name), might call Confucius a “black hole person.” She believes black holes are powerful portals of transformation.


“People who have planets (especially the faster ones) or other important points in their charts actively relating to black holes seem to live atypical lives,” Kathleen says in her article Astrological Aspects of Black Holes.

“On the positive side, they may be very creative, out-of-the-box folks bringing fresh perspectives to life. Indeed, I have found black-hole activity common in charts of historical figures who changed the course of their professions. The outflow of black-hole energy is dynamic, and many black-hole people are dedicated workers who have an inner drive to work hard…. black-hole people frequently also experience time-warping.

The Greeks held that there are two types of time: kronos, clock time, and kairos, subjective, non-linear time. Kairos is black-hole time. Interacting with a black-hole person can be like entering a place where the clock has stopped. Hours can pass while intimately sharing in this womb-like environment; indeed, transformation can occur. “


Clearly, this view of black holes as powerful portals of transformation doesn’t jibe with some scientists’ view of black holes as phenomenon whose gravity is so great that nothing, even light, escapes their pull. Madame Blavatsky would scoff at the idea of gravity being a compelling force in black holes.

“The anti-Aristotelian formula that gravity causes all bodies to descend with equal rapidity, without reference to their weight, the difference being caused by some other unknown agency, would seem to point a great deal more forcibly to magnetism than to gravitation,” she explains on page 244 of Isis Unveiled,

the former attracting rather in virtue of the substance than of the weight. A thorough familiarity with the occult faculties of everything existing in nature, visible as well as invisible; their mutual relations, attractions, and repulsions; the cause of these, traced to the spiritual principle which pervades and animates all things; the ability to furnish the best conditions for this principle to manifest itself, in other words a profound and exhaustive knowledge of natural law – this was and is the basis of magic.

"I told you so!"

"I told you so!"

The theory of black holes has always stirred controversy; Theosophy-bent Albert Einstein didn’t believe they existed at all and the video below illustrates other contrary views.


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But scientists’ understanding of black holes is changing.

BBC News recently reported a study by Germain astronomers who confirm that a giant black hole is in the center of our galaxy. The article quotes Dr Robert Massey of the Royal Astronomical Society suggesting that galaxies form around giant black holes in the way that a pearl forms around grit: “[black holes] may have had a role in helping galaxies to form – not just our own, but all galaxies.”

Perhaps scientists will soon see black holes more akin to the Theosophical concept of laya centers.

“When a planetary chain is in its last Round… before finally dying out, [its globe] sends all its energy and ‘principles’ into a neutral centre of latent force, a ‘laya centre,'” Madame Blavatsky explains in The Secret Doctrine, “and thereby informs a new nucleus of undifferentiated substance or matter, i.e., calls it into activity or gives it life.” In other words, the nursery for building galaxies.

© Kara LeBeau 2009. All rights reserved.


“Confucius the Just One” by Nicholas Roerich (1925/26)

Big Bang Bounced

galaxy2Big Science and Big Religion have something in common after all. Both would have us believe the universe was fashioned out of nothing. Before the Big Bang there was “nothing.”

Rinse and repeat, you get the opening of Genesis: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth,” and “darkness was upon the face of the deep.”


A Tour of the Calculus author David Berlinsky, PhD writes “The Big Bang has come to signify virtually a universal creed,” (Was There a Big Bang?). In this short video clip, Dr. Berlinsky discusses the willingness of Science to accept criticism:

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In fairness, scientists are sometimes willing to admit their miscalculations. Recently a laboratory computer simulation of the Big Bang behaved unexpectedly. Anil Ananthaswamy, writing in the December 10, 2008 issue of New Scientist, describes the event and the reaction of physicist Abhay Ashteka:

“I was taken aback,” he says. He was watching a simulation of the universe rewind towards the big bang. Mostly the universe behaved as expected, becoming smaller and denser as the galaxies converged. But then, instead of reaching the big bang “singularity”, the universe bounced and started expanding again. What on earth was happening?


For students of The Secret Doctrine this is a welcome question. Ashteka’s big bang experiment is suggestive of “the dual Force that Occultism calls attraction and repulsion” (SD 1:497).  The universe obeys cyclic laws of day and night, sleeping and waking, as H. P. Blavatsky explained in the Second of her “Three Fundamental Propositions”:

This second assertion of the Secret Doctrine is the absolute universality of that law of periodicity, of flux and reflux, ebb and flow, which physical science has observed and recorded in all departments of nature. An alternation such as that of Day and Night, Life and Death, Sleeping and Waking, is a fact so common, so perfectly universal and without exception, that it is easy to comprehend that in it we see one of the absolutely fundamental laws of the universe. (SD 1:13-18)


Now cosmologists and physicists are being closely criticized for ignoring these laws. Frontier plasma cosmologists David Talbott and Wallace Thornhill explain their competing theory, clearly Theosophical, on their website Thunderbolts.org

“From the smallest particle to the largest galactic formation,” they say, “a web of electrical circuitry connects and unifies all of nature, organizing galaxies, energizing stars, giving birth to planets and, on our own world, controlling weather and animating biological organisms.” Their conclusion: “There are no isolated islands in an electric universe.”

Enjoy the video from these two Blavatsky-oriented scientific pioneers:

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Sure scientists are willing to recognize their miscalculations and mistakes. But are they willing to publish them?

“Ashtekar wanted to be sure of what he was seeing,” Ananthaswamy reports in NewScientist, “so he asked his colleagues to sit on the result for six months before publishing it in 2006.  And no wonder.”