Tag Archives: Robert Crosbie

Seat of the Soul

THE Cheyenne say that “our first teacher is our own heart,” but mainstream science offers few apples to that master instructor.

To Western medical schools the heart is just a mechanical blood pump.

That view is beginning to change. The medical community is being challenged to expand its thinking about human biology, health, and wellness.

Leading-edge research in holistic medicine, biophysics, bioenergetics, and biocentrism all point in the same direction — showing our bodies are more than physical molecules and chemicals.

Explaining why and how we are more, H. P. Blavatsky asserted in The Secret Doctrine (2:149) that “The whole issue of the quarrel between the profane and the esoteric sciences,”

“… depends upon the belief in, and demonstration of, the existence of an astral body within the physical, the former independent of the latter.”

The key is explained in today’s frontier science by the presence of the ‘biofield’ – a human body-field that is described as a structured web of information and energy that underlies and informs our physical body, and rules our state of health and well-being.

The heart is the primary contributor, regulator and overseer of a dynamic web of consciousness. “Electrically, the heart generates over 500 times more electricity than the brain,” writes BioCare Certified Neurofeedback Provider, Helena E. Kerekhazi, MS, NRNP. “It is the biggest generator in the body.”

“We have to subtract out the heart artifact from the brainwaves when we record, so strong is the signal.”

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A Coherent World

THE Cheyenne say that “our first teacher is our own heart,” but mainstream science offers few apples to that master instructor.

To Western medical schools the heart is only a mechanical blood pump.

That view is beginning to change. The medical community is being challenged to expand its thinking about human biology, health, and wellness.

Leading-edge research in holistic medicine, biophysics, bioenergetics, and biocentrism all point in the same direction — showing we are more than just our bodies are more than physical molecules and chemicals.

Explaining why and how we are more, H. P. Blavatsky asserts in The Secret Doctrine (2:149) that “The whole issue of the quarrel between the profane and the esoteric sciences,”

“… depends upon the belief in, and demonstration of, the existence of an astral body within the physical, the former independent of the latter.”

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Separation Syndrome

TODAY humanity is divided into sects and cults, castes, creeds and classes, religious denominations and political ideologies. Instead of being bearers of love and cooperation, we still engage in criticizing, opposing and attacking each other.

A united world has been the hope of humanity for ages. Poets and philosophers have dreamed of it. Statesmen and politicians are trying to find a solution to the great problem of disunity.

They have not succeeded because the approach is usually reductionist instead of holistic. Our obsession with the trees of sectarian differences and selfish, materialistic agendas, we never see the forest as whole.

It is not through legislatures that harmony and peace can be established between different nations. What is needed is a sea change of mind and heart, a basis of universal ideas and facts as given out by the great spiritual teachers down the ages.

Mme. Blavatsky, in her Key to Theosophy, Section 12, describes four Links of a Golden Chain that, if implemented, would bind humanity into one universal family. They are:

“Universal Unity and Causation – Human Solidarity – the Law of Karma – Reincarnation.”


“From Gods to men, from Worlds to atoms, from a star to a rush-light, from the Sun to the vital heat of the meanest organic being,” Blavatsky memorably wrote (SD 1:604), “the world of Form and Existence is an immense chain, whose links are all connected.” Continue reading